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Best in Antiques was founded in 2016 following a period of research and analysis in the way antiques pass from seller to buyer and the opportunity to improve the way antiques are sourced, purchased and sold. The Best in Antiques team includes, uniquely, experts from a variety of backgrounds including antiques, business and technology.

Apart from their different but complementary business skills, their common interest is a passion for antiques and artefacts of great beauty. Our goal is to enable everyone, wherever they may be, simple and efficient access to sell and purchase such wonderful pieces.

We have created something special to cater specifically for the antiques business. The landscape has changed vastly in terms of a global marketplace, hence trust is vital in gaining global customers, as well as creating a user experience where anyone in the world can access, search and find antiques and buy with confidence.

E-commerce is more important than ever before in promoting antiques to customers and being able to access a global clientele. Understanding the antiques business, e-commerce, digital solutions and business are all equally key to providing a unique online portal that works for dealers and customers alike to buy, learn, interact and indulge themselves in the wonderful world of antiques.

